Ledarskap och projektledning

Certified Project Manager

A practical and customized training for those who want to become a successful – and certified – project manager.

Vill du hellre gå utbildningen på svenska? Här är den: Certifierad projektledare.

Certified Project Manager is a comprehensive training program for project managers, that is shaped by your role and the type of project you manage. Customized to give you what you need to succeed. As part of the program, you will work on your own projects from start to finish. This allows you to apply your new skills immediately and complete crucial tasks throughout the program. After completing the training, you will receive a certification confirming your knowledge and practical skills as a project manager.

Develop your skills in leading people and projects

This training programme is made up of three sub-training courses:

The program will equip you with the skills you need to manage people and projects. It provides both theoretical knowledge and practical training, with each module tailored to your needs. This will enable you to hone the skills you need to excel as a project manager. You will learn how to initiate, plan, manage and finalise a project successfully. It is equally important to understand how to lead and communicate in projects to create collaboration and achieve results without a managerial mandate. In addition, you will learn what you need to lead and implement the necessary changes.

Certified Project Manager – training program

Before the training begins, we will carry out a full analysis of your professional role, requirements and needs so that we can tailor the content to the training framework. You will complete a digital skills inventory to identify your current strengths and areas for improvement in your role as a project manager. During the program you will be provided with materials to familiarise yourself with before each session to help you get the most out of your days with us.

In between training sessions, you will be given concrete tasks to work on. The program also includes two hours of personal coaching with your trainer to give you support and personal feedback on your projects.

Extra support, a certification test and diplomas are included in the Certified Project Manager program.

Offer: Book your training now and become a gold member, with free access to all our mini-courses.

Is there anything we can assist you with regarding booking? Contact us via e-mail or phone (0220-600 680).

45 800 kr

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